Thursday, March 03, 2005

Has Osama bin Laden started a democratic revolution in the Middle East? One of very few universally valid laws of history is the law of unintended consequences.

Hmmm... very interesting, but from a British perspective.,3604,1429001,00.html

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Cause of Marital Failure
by Peter Vere in LayWitness magazine
The root cause of marital failure in almost all of these [annulments] cases is abortion, contraception, and premarital sex.Read more articles from LayWitness magazine at
Smoking pot doubles mental illness risk
Christchurch, New Zealand, Mar. 02 - New Zealand researchers have established that marijuana use doubles the risk of developing a mental illness like schizophrenia.

I liked these articles. Us baby boomers should have listened to the Church back when.