Wednesday, September 28, 2005

So what's happening in Catholic morality?
“As we continue to conform ourselves more and more to Christ in all things, the question "What should I do?" will only be authentic if we first ask, "What do I want to be?" And, of course, the answer to that question is, "A disciple of Jesus.”
"What do I want to be?" is indeed an important question.

Shroud of Turin 'shows future of science,' says local expert
"The image of the shroud and its riddle cannot be solved through the science of the past," said Piczek. Concurring with French physicist and shroud researcher, Dr. William Wolkowski, Piczek believes that transdisciplinary study of the shroud will give birth to a new scientific age. "The shroud shows the future of science," declared Piczek.

Monday, September 19, 2005

How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization: A review
Thomas E. Woods
This book is about what they don't teach you in World History class. I took two college level classes in World History and neither course gave any real hint of the contributions of the Catholic church. There was a small mention that 'Christianity' had monestaries that had schools, but that is misleading because 'Christianity' had only one denomination until 1517. Why did they leave that important fact out? Why did they misrepresent the church's role in science, education, economics, medicine, charity, morals, secular law and international law? This book tells the stuff that biased authors leave out. It is a real eye opener that is fun to read. I couldn't put it down! I finished it in a couple days. It leaves me thirsty to know more. The part I like the most was the contribution of the Catholic Church to the advancement of women. Before Jesus, only the woman was punished for adultery afterward the men were punished too which is much more fair. Also, women could establish convents and do social work, which was very empowering in an age where women were not allowed to work outside the home. Wow! That blows the 'sacred femininism' theory of the DaVinci Code to bits!