Kerry cited in Catholic heresy case
A Catholic lawyer has filed heresy charges against Sen. John Kerry with the Archdiocese of Boston, accusing the Democratic presidential candidate of bringing "most serious scandal to the American public" by receiving Holy Communion as a pro-choice Catholic.
Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Goes to School
Out of the Closet and Into the Classroom
Chuck Colson
If you’re looking at the same-sex “marriage” debate and thinking it won’t affect you, allow me to bring the truth home to you—before your own children bring it home themselves.
Don't you just love our new archbishop?
St. Louis prelate says voting for candidate who backs abortion a sin
ST. LOUIS (CNS) -- St. Louis Archbishop Raymond L. Burke will issue a pastoral letter following his comments in a radio interview that Catholics commit a mortal sin by knowingly voting for a candidate who advocates abortion.
Archbishop Burke publicly stated that Catholics sin by voting for candidates who favor abortion during an interview June 24 with St. Louis radio station KMOX-AM. It was in response to one of many questions he was asked about a variety of subjects.
Bill 'Subsidizes Promiscuity,' Pro-Life Group Says
( - A pro-life group is blasting Democrat John F. Kerry and Sens. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Lincoln Chafee (R-R.I.) for co-sponsoring a bill that the group says "subsidizes promiscuity, perpetrates immorality and promotes abortion."
The $1.2 billion measure, called the "Putting Prevention First Act" (S.2336), was introduced in the Senate on Planned Parenthood's 2004 Congressional Day of Action. The Senate version has seven other sponsors. The House companion bill (H.R. 4192) has 112 sponsors.
Sex and Politics
Are pornographic campaign ads the way around McCain-Feingold?
Does it strike anyone else as odd that the Supreme Court seems to be providing more First Amendment protection to pornography than to political speech?
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