Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Catholic charismatics 36 percent!
Myths Exposed on Charismatic Christianity in America
By Jennifer Riley
Christian Post Reporter

"Many people believe that charismatic Christianity is almost exclusively a Protestant phenomenon, but research shows that one-third of all U.S. Catholics (36 percent) fit the charismatic classification, according to the new Barna study. And nearly one-quarter of all charismatics in the U.S. (22 percent) are Catholics."

This article surprised me. I had no idea the percent of Catholics who are charismatics is this high. I think that is probably true in my parish, but I thought we were an anomoly. I think that the charismatic movement is the reason the ones who are active Catholics have remained and are the most involved in volunteering at the parish. I wish more people would be open to receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is rarely ever mentioned in a Sunday homily. Why? Beats me!


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